BIO Fruit Juice Pineapple Mango Passion Fruit & Turmeric

Le jus de fruit à l’ananas, mangue, passion et curcuma est une boisson tropicale rafraîchissante et vibrante qui combine les saveurs d’ananas juteux, de mangue sucrée, de fruit de la passion acidulé et les notes terreuses subtiles du curcuma.
This delightful juice blend starts with ripe and succulent pineapples, known for their tropical sweetness and refreshing taste. The vibrant yellow mangoes add a luscious creaminess. The exotic passion fruit lends its unique tangy flavor profile, providing a pleasant contrast to the sweetness of the other fruits. While turmeric, is a spice commonly used in culinary and traditional medicine, it brings a twist to this juice. with its warm and slightly bitter taste. Not only does curcuma contribute to the taste, but it also offers potential health benefits due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

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